Spring Cleaning With Your Alumni Database

Spring is almost here, which means it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning and organization! From an alumni association perspective, this doesn’t mean cleaning out a basement or attic; instead, we’re talking about reorganizing and updating your alumni database.

Here are a few tips we have to help you get your database in tip-top shape.

Double check your organization

Make sure you are always keeping your database as organized as possible to help you segment your communications more effectively.

The forms you have people fill out when they register for your organization should help you with this, but it’s important to regularly double-check your database to make sure people put all of the proper information in all of the proper fields. 

Keeping all of this information organized will make it much easier for you to target your messages to specific audiences within your list of members.

Allow alumni to do their own updates

Your alumni will almost certainly have to update their information at some point, including addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. To simplify this process, provide them with a form where they can easily submit their own record updates. 

To give them a gentle nudge to update their information, you can add reminders at the end of all communications to update their address and contact information if it has since changed. Include a link to the form directly within your email newsletter.

These simple steps will go a long way toward making your alumni database significantly easier to use. For more information and ideas about how to reorganize and maintain your database, contact us today at Alumni Nations.

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