Giving Thanks to Your Alumni

It is the season of giving thanks! Today we want to spend some time talking about the importance of showing your thankfulness to your alumni. Alumni who get involved in an alumni organization will, at the very least, be donating money to your organization. Many others will get more heavily involved through volunteerism or attendance at events.

Finding ways to show your appreciation is important to ensuring a healthy long-term relationship with your alumni. There are a couple ways of doing this, including actually saying “thank you” and showing your gratitude through certain services and offerings.

Sending thank you's

Any time you have an alum who contributes time or money to your organization, it is important you show your appreciation by sending a thank you note. Ideally this note would be handwritten and come from the heart; sending out stock thank-you's in bulk doesn’t have nearly the same sort of personal touch or showing of appreciation.

Most alumni who contribute in some way to your organization do so because they care about their alma mater, and many will not expect anything in return. But still, even just a simple thank you note can go a long way toward showing your alumni that you are grateful for what they give you. It’s not just polite--it also encourages future giving and volunteering.

Alumni services

For people who join your alumni association, the types of services you provide will both show your appreciation for your members and also show them that they’re getting something worthwhile in return for their support.

Some examples of the services we provide through Alumni Nations include:

  • Thorough, easy-to-use alumni directories to make it easier to find and connect with fellow alumni 
  • Volunteer portals to make it easier for alumni to find ways to get plugged back in to their alma maters
  • Tiered membership statuses, which you can fully customize to provide various benefits at different membership tiers

You can also provide a wide range of alumni events, newsletters or other offerings that you think will add value to the alumni membership experience and show your appreciation for the people supporting your organization.

For more tips about how you can show appreciation for your alumni in this season of Thanksgiving, contact us today at Alumni Nations.

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